Attendance Drive- Be a Drogheda Hero

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For the month of October, we took part in a Drogheda-wide attendance drive which highlighted the importance of good attendance. Parents received booklets at the start detailing the reasons why coming to school is so important for their children. The children kept track of their own attendance on their stamp charts during the month and each class were mentioned on Dojo when they had full attendance. Everyone who participated received a homework pass and a certificate and those with excellent attendance went into a draw for family vouchers. Well done to everyone!

While the attendance drive was for the month of October, we want to keep the momentum going- if the children are well, they should be in school. If they are sick, keep them at home and fill in the absence reason on Aladdin. School starts at 8.50am so remind your children, particularly the older children who walk themselves, to be in school on time. However, mornings can be very busy in households- if the children sleep in or something happens to delay getting to school in the morning, don’t let that be a reason to stay off- they can still come in late. If you are having any problems getting your child to come to school, contact Niamh, the HSCL coordinator for advice or speak to your child’s teacher.

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